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David Livingstone

David Livingstone by Vance Christie looks back at Livingstone's incredible achievements as a Scottish missionary in southern Africa. Christie charts his amazing life from the depths to the heights.

Give us this day: A 365 -day devotional

Simple but Powerful Devotions for Busy People In Give Us This Day, Herbert Lockyer created the perfect devotional for busy people. Each day includes a Bible verse and a simple paragraph that is powerful enough to refocus the reader's mind

God's Needle

In 1957, newly-qualified nurse Lily Gaynor set sail for Guinea-Bissau to live among the Papel tribe. Tuberculosis, malaria and typhoid were rife. Children were grossly malnourished; witchdoctors flourished. Lily set up a clinic under the mango trees

God's Plan for Your Wellbeing

This church series from Dave Smith brilliantly highlights the overview of the Bible when it comes to wellbeing, looking at: Perfect Wellbeing (the first human beings made in the image of God) Lost Wellbeing (humanity turning their backs on God) Promi

God's Secret Listener

Berti Dosti faced a terrible but intriguing dilemma. He was an Albanian army captain and his job as a radio specialist was to listen into the world's airwaves...As he idly twiddled the radio dials, he heard a voice saying: "If you want to find out mo

Hope in the main street

Rev. Rob Cotton demonstrates how our churches can engage with the community around, building relationships that enable social action, presenting the teachings of the Bible in ways that contemporary audiences can relate to and presenting Christianity

Hope when it hurts

Suffering is real. But so is hope. Kristen and Sarah have walked through, and are walking in, difficult times. So these thirty biblical reflections are full of realism about the hurts of life yet overwhelmingly full of hope about the God who ...

How To Really Love Your Adult Child

More than 10 years after Parenting Your Adult Child was published, much has changed— including young adults themselves, and even their parents. Economic upheavals, challenges to traditional values and beliefs, and the phenomenon of over-involved "hel

Husband after God's own heart

A more fulfilling marriage is within the reach of every husband—and getting there is not as difficult as you might think. In A Husband After God’s Own Heart, bestselling author Jim George points you to the little touches that can bring big results.

I Am a Christian

In this concise book, respected pastor, author, and church consultant Thom Rainer explains how the local church is God’s primary plan for reaching the world with his love. “I am a Christian” and “I am a church member” go hand in hand. What does it re

It Takes A Church To Raise A Parent

How can churches become centres for empowering parents to raise God-connected children? How can we transform the lives of parents, carers, grandparents and church communities, and the way generations of children are raised?

Journey with me

Catherine Campbell invites you to journey with her through the year as she shares 365 Bible meditations that have touched her heart and changed her life.

Meeting Christ in the Garden

The Song of Songs paints in our imaginations a physical place where we may spend time with Christ and enjoy his love. The language of human love is intended to evoke an experience of divine love and inspire in us a response of love. It channels our d

Message Solo New Testament - Brown

This innovative devotional New Testament is designed to change how you interact with God’s Word. It revolves around lectio divina, or “divine reading”, an ancient approach to exploring Scripture updated for today’s Bible reader.

Message Solo New Testament - Pink

This innovative devotional features passages from the New Testament. With its pink leather-look cover, it's an ideal gift for the women in your life. The Message SOLO New Testament revolves around lectio divina, or "divine reading", an ancient appro

Miracle in Kigali

Miracle in Kigali tells the incredible story of Illuminée Nganemariya and her baby son Roger's survival during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. How does it feel to wake up every morning for more than three months facing the prospect that you and your...