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Wisdom and Blessings

Wisdom and Blessings, compiled by David Davenport. Hardback Gift Book

With love and sympathy

A special compilation of photos, prayers, poems, quotes and Bible verses to comfort and encourage those who grieve. This is the ideal book to show a friend that you are thinking about them. Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue

Wonder of Creation, The

In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids' devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, discover more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God's creation from author, speaker, and fo

Wonderful World of Wemmicks

Max Lucado's six popular stories about the Wemmicks - little wooden people, carved by woodworker Eli - are combined in this beautiful anthology of for the first time.

Word One to one

Informal, visual and accessible, The Word One To One series helps Christians share the Bible with friends. Each study lays out a Bible passage, explaining unfamiliar ideas and highlighting key points. The Word One to One takes you through the Gospel

Working From A Place Of Rest

Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in some kind of Christian ministry, whether full-time, part-time or voluntary. In striving to do our utmost for God

Worried little unicorn, The

Little Unicorn worries about everything. It stops her doing things she wants to do, and it makes her feel all alone. How will she ever join her friends on their wonderful stargazing trip? But, when she finally talks to Big Unicorn about her fears, pe


Written by Theologian Sinclair Ferguson, the Second Book in the Growing Gospel Integrity Series Explores the Christian’s Call to Christlikeness While Jesus offers forgiveness for believers who sin, Scripture makes it clear that Christians are to purs

Would You Like to Know Collection

Six small volumes offering answers to children's big questions about God, the Bible, prayer, Jesus, Christmas, and Easter, collected together in a little slipcase.

Wow our amazing planet

Wow! Our Amazing Planet is an interactive RE resource for primary school teachers to explore the theme of caring for our environment. It looks at our amazing planet, its creation and our responsibility to care for and protect it. It includes detailed

Xtb 1: Book of Beginnings

Investigate the beginning of everything in the book of Genesis. Zoom in on Matthew and Acts to discover who Jesus is and why He came. See how God always keeps his promises. Issue One of XTB is called The Book of Beginnings and will help you...

Xtb 4: Travels Unravelled

Issue Four of XTB is called Travels Unravelled. Three months of Bible readings to help you explore the very first Easter in Matthew's Gospel, wander through the wilderness with the Israelites in exodus, and join Paul as he travels to Rome in Acts.

You are Loved

A beautiful book ideal for a gift, Birthdays, Christenings, Holy Communions, Confirmations, Thanksgiving Ceremonies, and any special occasion. A wild, colourful, fun filled adventure through jungles, outer space and across swirling oceans. Then

You Are Never Alone

In You Are Never Alone, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will show you that you’re stronger than you think because God is nearer than you know. You'll be comforted by the living, loving, miracle-working God ...

You are Special

In the town of Wemmickville there lives a Wemmick named Punchinello. Each day the residents award stickers – gold stars for the talented, smart, and attractive Wemmicks, and gray dots for those who make mistakes or are just plain ordinary. Punchin

You are Special Anniversary Pop-up

In this heart-warming tale, Eli helps Punchinello understand how important he is - no matter what other Wemmicks may think. Children will learn a vital lesson - regardless of how the world sees them, they are special just as they are.