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You are Special gift edition

This attractive gift book edition You Are Special features the story of Puchinello and the Wemmicks, also contains beautifull illustrations. If you've ever wondered 'What do others think of me?'If you've ever felt judged by the world.

You Were Made for This Moment

Racial divides, political strife, uncertain futures, challenging times—is this the story of Esther or the story of today? Thankfully, the promise of both then and now is this: Our God triumphs in troubled times and we are invited to be a part of the

Your Brave Song

Early one foggy morning, Una Rayne feels unsure about the day ahead of her. She sits down on the porch with her mama, who sings a song of truth over her: “Jesus loves you, makes you strong. In Him, you’re brave and you belong.” Una Rayne steps bravel

Your New Playlist

When it comes to the life you want, mindset is everything. When you're young, your entire world is made of new. You're a movie that's barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn't hit the chorus. You have your whole life

A Certain Brightness

The devotions in this book are short, encouraging, and a reminder of the light when everything seems dark. Philippa Wilson has begun each chapter with a five–word Bible phrase that is easily memorised and ended with a prayer. Beautiful illustrations

A Fistful of Heroes

John Pollock's deft biographical pen sweeps over great reformers, liberators and evangelists of the 18th and 19th centuries such as John Newton, Earl of Shaftesbury and R. A. Torrey.

A Little God Time for Couples

Spending quality time together as a couple can be difficult, but it's incredibly important for maintaining a healthy marriage! One of the best ways to strengthen your relationship is to spend time together with God.

A London Sparrow

A down-to-earth London girl, without many prospects, commits to Christ as an eighteen year old and the Lord uses her beyond what anyone could have imagined. Gladys Aylward, a little but determined woman, became a mighty gospel force amongst her belov

Adventures for Dads and their Kids

The pandemic has helped many of us to rediscover simple opportunities to connect with our children and have fun, even when we’re restricted in where we can go and what we can do.

African Pearl

Irish-Nigerian Pamela Brown-Peterside is forty and burned out when she exchanges the intensity of an honourable public health career in New York City for the lush valleys of western Uganda. She goes there to join an America missionary doctor couple..

Amazing Grace

John Newton is one of our greatest ever hymn writers; the writer of "Amazing Grace," This biography, like any story, tracks the very low points as well as the high points; everything is revealed - the brutality of his life ‘in the midst of the storm’

Billy Graham

Following the outpouring of praise and the renewed interest in the life of Billy Graham, we are honoured to be able to release 'Billy Graham: Dialogues on Faith, Family and More' in paperback for the first time. In the series of interviews with......

Broken by Love

Broken by Love, biography about Val Jeal who helped women in the sex trade in Bristol city centre. She was simply a middle aged lady who was willing to let God use her to encourage and support the vulnerable and lost.

Consider Him

Jesus knows you. Do you want to know Him? In this 365 devotional, Catherine Campbell extends an invitation to spend a year focussing daily on the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ. Warmly written and firmly rooted in Scripture, Catherin

Daily Light for Women

The pink faux leather edition of the Daily Light for Women Devotional contains a compilation of Scripture readings taken from the ESV Bible. Readings for each day is broken up into readings for the morning and the evening. The beloved Daily Light for

Daily Light for Women

The hardcover edition of the Daily Light for Women Devotional is a classic collection of readings for mornings and evenings composed entirely of Scripture from the ESV. The Daily Light for Women Devotional is one of the most beloved devotionals o