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Anyone But Bear

Fox doesn’t like Bear and he thinks Bear doesn’t like him either. But when Fox needs help most, which of the animals in the forest proves to be his best friend? This is the story of the Good Samaritan retold for all young foxes and bears to enjoy!

Anyone Can Tell a Bible Story

Catch and hold the attention of your listeners as you tell great stories from the Bible

Assisted suicide

In this short book, Vaughan Roberts briefs Christians on the complex questions surrounding assisted suicide. He surveys the Christian worldview and helps us to apply its principles as we navigate life and death in a society with contrasting values.

Augustine - The Truth Seeker

Although his mother was a faithful Christian, Augustine managed to stray into a sinful life. His life changed when he realised the truth of the Gospel. Augustine became a bishop and a tower of faith in the early church. His life is a glimpse into the

Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party

Excite children with the truth about heaven and the new creation. What will heaven be like? Answering this question for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past the myths. This beautifully illustrated, biblically faithful storyb

A-Z of Wellbeing

Struggling to maintain your wellbeing? This essential toolkit helps you find the words and habits you need Enables you to speak, live and share wellbeing A-Z of Wellbeing helps us to discover the language of wellbeing, so that we can speak it, liv

Baby's Little Bible blue

The Baby Bible was first published in 2006, written by new mum Sarah Toulmin as a way of sharing the stories she so loved with her own little ones. Her ultra simple retellings of 20 favourite stories, from creation to the resurrection, are ...

Baby's Little Bible pink

Sarah Toulmin studied for a degree in English at Oxford University. Her career has included teaching, publicity and missionary work in India, Uganda and South Africa. Now a mother to two children, Sarah first started writing when pregnant with her fi

Basic Christianity

"If Jesus was not God in human flesh, Christianity is exploded," writes John Stott. "We are left with just another religion with some beautiful ideas and noble ethics; its unique distinction has gone." Who is Jesus Christ? If he is not who he said he

Battlefield of the mind

Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life. If, on the other hand, we renew our mind according to God's Word, we will prove out "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" for our..

Be as Amazing as God Made You

Be as amazing as God made you! God's amazing creatures remind us of just how special we are. Touch and feel his incredible creations in this sweet book, perfect to read together. Content Benefits: Children will enjoy reading the funny rhymes and look

Be Still

In this practical, easy-to-read guide, Brian Heasley explores the multitude of rhythms of Christian prayer and devotion available to every believer. From memorizing scripture and prayer running to noticing beauty everywhere, he demonstrates how we do

Bear that nobody wanted, The

The King of the Forest is coming to visit! Fox and the cubs are very excited. But throughout the day, Fox has other visitors, all in need of food and friendship. Will the King ever come – and will Fox have ANYTHING left to offer? Inspired by the Par

Beautiful World

Being inspired by our beautiful world is a great way to start to build the foundations of faith in your little ones as you discover God together. Expanding on the scriptures featured in the Beautiful World DVD, this devotional offers your family ....

Beauty and Meaning

This volume presents for the first time the T. S. Eliot Lectures delivered in 1982 by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. There are four lectures, each a fine example of Metropolitan Anthony's profound spiritual wisdom, wit, and clarity of expression. T

Becoming a welcoming Church

Most church members don't see their churches clearly. In almost all of Thom Rainer's consultations, church members perceive their church to be friendly. But as he surveyed guests, he found that the guests typically saw church members as unfriendly...