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Action Storybook Bible, The

The Action Storybook Bible invites families with children ages 8 and under explore God’s redemptive story together. From the sleek and amazing creatures God created at the beginning of the world to the powerful kings who reigned ....

Activity Bible Under 7's

Bible stories, word searches, puzzles, prayers and activities. This action-packed book contains plenty to occupy, amuse and teach children under the age of seven years providing a structured approach to the Bible. Detailed colour pictures bring to li

Activity Fun: Bible Kings and Queens

A fantastically fun-filled little book great for journeys, Sunday schools, awards, or a rainy day! All the puzzles and activities are based around stories about the kings and queens in the Bible.

Acts Part 2 - 13-28 for everyone

Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke's gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and......

Alice's Dad

Alice looks back over her father's illness: the good times when he was well enough to play computer with her and take her swimming; the bad times when the house seemed to smell of hospitals and she was afraid of the upstairs. This moving and realisti

All About Bible Animals

Kids 7 years+ will love this fun and fascinating book bursting with colourful photography and facts about Bible animals. It also explores the Bible stories they connect to, starting with creation and ending with Peter’s vision in Acts 10. Inside the

All one in Christ Jesus

A church united in truth and mission could be much more fruitful in serving th Lord. Jesus prayed that all his disciples would be one.. and yet we are a long way from that. It appears that divisions within the evangelical world are hardening, wi

All Things New

Starting in Genesis and working through the Scriptures, All Things New takes you on a journey into the very heart of God and His relentless passion to redeem lives, heal the nations, rewire the culture and bring renewal to all of creation. As we....

Amazing Agents of God: Outstanding Ops

Andy Robb invites you to open up the God Files (the Bible!) once more and comb through the agent reports of more amazing agents of God! Discover what made their lives so special, and how they risked everything to carry out their super-important ...

Amy Carmichael

At a time when being a single female missionary was extremely costly, Amy Carmichael spent her life sharing Christ’s love with hundreds of women and children in Asia. Along the way, she adapted to fit into cultures very different from her own, learne

And it was beautiful

Imagine a world where love guides every attitude and action. A community where people respect others. A place where God is recognised and respected. God revealed the framework for life as it should be – simple statements for life that provide .....


Nearly eight in ten Americans believe in angels. Even among those who never attend church it’s four out of ten. In the United Kingdom one in three people believe they have a guardian angel. You may well be one of them. Every tenth person in your str

Animal Tales

A fabulous collection of stories for children aged 5 and over about animals that encountered Jesus during his lifetime and how they were there when key incidents in his life took place. Imagine you could have been there when Jesus was alive on earth.

Antigone Kingsley: About Last Summer

Living above her parents theatre has always given Antigone Kingsley (Tig) plenty of practice at being centre stage. But when the theatre faces financial crisis and the stage doors close, it is her alluring cousin Amelie, flown in from Paris, who grab

Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer Family B

This devotional is a chance to take your family on a journey through the story of prayer in the Bible. It is based on the popular storybook by Laura Wifler, co-founder of Risen Motherhood, which explores prayer: from the Garden of Eden, where Adam an